8 Steps for a Successful First RV Campervan Trip!
First time doing a road trip with an RV Campervan? Stress no more! Just follow this easy 8-step-guide that will help you get prepared and ready to go!
Whether you are a family of campers on weekends or a retired couple wanting to travel full time, every beginner in RV camping must understand some important things before going for their first RV campervan trip.
Here are some simple tips to consider before hitting the road
Step 1. Plan Your Route 
Do you want to take a beautiful itinerary, arrive at your destination fast or avoid reimbursing tolls? Answering these inquiries will help you plan on where to shop and where to stopover along the way. Be sure to do your research well and read advisories on RV trips.
Step 2. Create a Timeline
After knowing your planned route, you need to craft a timeline. This shows the number of times you drive daily, the roadside allures you want to stop at, and the time you plan to reach your destination. When planning your RV camping schedule, be sure to leave a fun break to stretch and explore on the go.
Step 3. Budget For your RV campervan Trip
Once the budget is in place, you can determine how frequently you eat at a restaurant, how much groceries you need to purchase and how much you can spend on the reserve fund in case of emergencies. It also helps you plan on the campsites you can pay for to stay along the way. Budgeting is very important not only for your first RV trip but for every trip you’ll take in the future.
Step 4. Check your RV Insurance
If you have not done so already, get an insurance cover. Especially when driving long-distance recreational vehicles, you must make sure all the elements it contains are safe in case of a calamity. Call your contemporary car insurance company and ask them to add RVs to an existing car policy. This said some companies do not cover campers.
Step 5. Make a Checklist 
Make a list of the food you need, the spare parts on board and any other items you’ll need. You can stop and buy supplies if need be, but starting with everything saves time and money. When packing, even the most obvious items can be forgotten. A checklist will ensure you get what you need when you need it.
Step 6. Pack in Phases
Take time to pack your items instead of packing everything at the same time. This will ensure you get everything right and only pack what you need. For example, take a day to pack games and objects so that children can have fun while on the move. The next day, continue to kitchen supplies. This systematic way of packing will have you thanking yourself when having a smooth camping experience.
Step 7. Check the Road and Weather Conditions
Check the weather conditions on the day of departure for a camper trip and change your itinerary and schedule if necessary. Before leaving for the road, check weather predictions to avoid dangerous areas. This is very important especially for your first RV trip.
Step 8. Take a Practice Drive
Consider the route you want to use and go for a short drive on similar terrain. As a beginner in RV trips, you still do not know what will move around the living space when driving or how difficult it is to change lanes, climb a hill and park.
Once you have understood the complexity of operating your RV, you can make the necessary adjustments.
And that’s it! You are all ready to hit the road! RV camping is a great way to travel and explore the outdoors. Going for your first RV trip is both thrilling and challenging. But with these easy steps to success you will have a safer and better experience, enjoy the ride! And don’t forget to check out our website campstar.com to find the best deals in campervans and campsites worldwide! Click here to see it for yourself